
Coverdell ESA (Education Savings Account)

Coverdell ESA is an education savings plan that is designed to pay for qualified education from kindergarten to college and above with more investment options.

Followings are characteristics of Coverdell ESA compared to 529 education savings plan.

  • Funds in Coverdell plan can be used for primary education such as private elementary and high schools, unlike 529 which is for college or higher education.
  • There's an income limit to contribute to a Covered account, unlike 529 with no limit on income. For 2015, if one's modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is more than $110,000 ($220,000 if married filing jointly), he cannot contribute to any Coverdell account.
  • Unlike 529, no contribution can be made once the beneficiary turns 18 (older if special needs) in a Coverdell account.
  •  There's a contribution limit per beneficiary on Coverdell, which is $2,000 (2015). Multiple Coverdell accounts may be opened for the same beneficiary, but total contribution amount must not exceed the limit. In 529 plan, in contrary, multiple people can open an account for the same beneficiary and contribute to the maximum limit independently.
  • Coverdell accounts have wider range of investment choices, including individual stocks and bonds, whereas in 529 plan, a limited selection of mutual funds are typically available.
  •  Funds in a Coverdell account must be distributed or transferred to another family member (younger than 18) when the beneficiary reaches age 30 (unless a special needs) No age limitation in 529 account beneficiaries.
  • Coverdell accounts (liquidated first) can be transferred to 529 accounts, but 529 accounts cannot be transferred to Coverdell accounts.
  • No tax deductible for the contribution, unlike 529 where some states allow contribution deductibility for state income tax purposes.
  • Like 529 accounts, Coverdell ESAs can grow tax-deferred, and as long as distributions are used for qualified education, no taxes will be imposed.

As compared above to 529 plans, Corverdell ESA has many restrictions when it comes to account owners' income, contribution limit, and beneficiary's age etc. But two of main benefits of Corverdell are wide selection of investment choices and that the funds can be used for K through 12, as well as for college education. If qualified, one can open a Coverdell ESA and a 529 for the same beneficiary. This post is based on 2015 rules and may contain Misook Yu's opinion. Talk to your financial advisor to find out  which education account may be good for you.

커버델 교육 저축 계좌 (Coverdell ESA) 는 킨더가든 부터 대학교 이상의 교육비를 위한 계좌로서, 투자할 수 있는 상품의 폭이 넓다. 529 savings plan 과 비교한 커버델 플랜의 요점은 다음과 같다.

  • 대학교 및 대학원의 교육비를 위한 529 계좌와는 달리, 커버델 계좌는 대학과 대학원은 물론, 사립초등학교부터  학비를 위해 사용될 수 있다.
  • 529은 인컴에 상관 없이 누구나 계좌를 틀 수 있지만, 커버델은 2015년 현재 인컴이 $110,000 (부부의 경우 $220,000) 이상이면 계좌를 오픈할 수 없다.
  • 529계좌는 수혜자의 나이에 상관 없이 게좌 오픈이나 납입이 가능하지만, 커버델은 수혜자의 나이가 18세 이상이면 (장애등 special needs 이면 예외) 더이상 계좌에 납입을 할 수 없다.
  •  여러사람이 한명의 수혜자를 위하여 계좌를 오픈하고 각자 최대한의 납입금을 넣을 수 있는 529과 비교할때, 커버델은 계좌수에 상관 없이 한 사람의 수혜자를 위한 총 납입금액이 $2,000을 넘을 수 없다.
  • 대부분 제한된 숫자의 뮤추얼 펀드의 투자만 가능한  529 계좌들과는 달리, 커버델은 개별 주식과 채권등, 투자할 수 있는 선택의 폭이 훨씬 넓다.
  • 수혜자에 대한 나이 제한이 없는 529계좌와 달리, 커버델 계좌는 수혜자가 30살이 되면 (장애등 special needs 이면 예외) 모든 금액을 인출하거나 수혜자를 다른 (18살 보다 어린) 가족으로 바꾸어야 한다.
  • 커버델 계좌는 529 계좌로 (현찰화한 후에) 이체가 가능하지만, 529 계좌는 커버델로 이체 될 수 없다.
  • 일부 주에서는 납입금에 대한 주정부의 인컴택스 공제가 가능한  529 계좌와 달리, 커버델 계좌의 납입금은 일절의 공제가 되지 않는다.
  • 커버델계좌와 529계좌 모두 수익금에 대한 세금이 유예되며, 모든 금액을 교육관련에 사용되는한은 세금이 없다.

위에서 529 계좌와 비교 하였듯, 커버델 계좌는 계좌를 오픈하는 사람의 인컴, 납입 금액, 수혜자의 나이등 제한되는 부분이 많다. 그러나 커버델의 두가지 유익한 점은, 투자 상품에 대한 범위가 훨씬 넓고, 킨더가든부터 학비에 사용할 수 있다는거다. 그리고 자격이 되는 사람은 한 명의 수혜자를 위해 커버델과 529계좌 두개를 오픈할 수도 있다. 이 글은 2015년 현재 규정에 기초 하였으며, 유미숙의 사견이 있을 수 있다. 당신에게 어떤 계좌가 적당한지는 재무설계사와 상담하시기 바란다.

Term Life Insurance vs. Whole Life Insurance

Term life insurance

Term life insurance is designed for people to buy higher death benefits with lower costs. Any premium that has been paid is forgone and no death benefit is paid if the insured survives the insurance term. Premiums are determined by many factors such as age, sex, term, type of job, and level of health of the proposed insured etc., and will be lower if you are younger and healthier. Term life insurance is highly recommended for young parents with limited cash flow, as well as others who want to protect their surviving families with considerably lower premiums, compared to whole life insurance.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance can be used for many purposes: to protect surviving families from financial loss caused by the insured's early death, to accumulate wealth with tax deferral benefits, to transfer wealth, or pay for estate taxes after death of a wealthy insured, etc. Regardless of purpose, premiums in individual life insurance are not tax deductible, and for the same amount of death benefits, a whole life insurance costs much more to buy than a term life insurance. Generally speaking, for people who need a life insurance but cash is limited, it may make more financial sense to get a term life insurance and save the rest that you would have paid for a whole life insurance premium in a tax deductible savings account such as an IRA or 401K. Sales people who sell a whole life insurance as opposed to a term life insurance tend to receive higher commissions. So, consult a financial advisor who does not have conflict of interest in this matter to find out which life insurance is better for you.

This contains opinion of Misook Yu and may have errors. Consult your financial advisor for more information.

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